
September 2024: world's top 2% scientists
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min, who was named on the list of the world's top 2% scientists selected by Stanford University in the US and Elsevier, the world's largest publisher.
September 2024: Incoming Master student researchers!!
Welcome !!! Yeonhwa Kim joined our research lab as a Master student researcher.
December 2023: Incoming Postdoctoral researchers!!
Welcome !!! Dr Teh joined our research lab as a Postdoctoral researcher.
November 2023: Incoming Master student researchers!!
Welcome !!! Dong Yoon Oh joined our research lab as a Master student researcher.
November 2023: Incoming undergraduate student researchers!!
Welcome !!! Ki Young Park, Wonjun Lee, Yeonhwa Kim joined our research lab as a undergraduate student researcher.
October 2023: world's top 2% scientists
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min, who was named on the list of the world's top 2% scientists selected by Stanford University in the US and Elsevier, the world's largest publisher.
Reference: DOI:10.17632/btchxktzyw.6
July 2023: Incoming postdoctoral researcher!!!
Welcome !!! Dr. Nirmalendu Sekhar Mishra joined our research lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
July 2023: Incoming undergraduate student researchers!!!
Welcome !!! 홍유경 and 홍광표 joined our research lab as a undergradaute student researcher.
Nov 2022: Incoming MS student!!!
Welcome !!! Baekha Ryu joined our research lab as a MS student.
October 2022: world's top 2% scientists
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min, who was named on the list of the world's top 2% scientists selected by Stanford University in the US and Elsevier, the world's largest publisher.
Sep 2022: Incoming PhD student!!!
Welcome !!! Reneesha V B joined our research lab as a integrated Ph.D. student.
May 2022: Publication in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min and Dr Kien Tiek Wong published in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Titled: Interfacial Schottky junctions modulated by photo-piezoelectric band bending to govern charge carrier migration for selective H2O2 generation
December 2021: 50 best achievements of the Ministry of Education’s academic and research support projects in 2021
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min received the best achievements (Science and Engineering section, total of 15 awards) of the Ministry of Education's academic and research projects in 2021. The title of Prof. Jang's award-wining research project is '미량유기화합물, 자연유기화합물과 유해미생물 포함 복합오염수 처리를 위한 magnetite-TiO2 연속 층으로 코팅된 활성탄 기반 동시 산화-흡착, 살균 및 막 공정 개발'.
Announcement of the 50 Best Achievements for Academic Research Support Projects by the Ministry of Education in 2021
November 2021: world's top 2% scientists
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min, who was named on the list of the world's top 2% scientists selected by Stanford University in the US and Elsevier, the world's largest publisher.
Reference: Mendeley Data, V3, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.3 Elsevier BV - August 2021 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" (digitalcommonsdata.com)
Kwangwoon university news: https://www.kw.ac.kr/en/life/notice.jsp?BoardMode=view&DUID=37788&tpage=1
October 2021: Publication in Journal of Hazardous Materials
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min and M.S candidate HyeseongKim published in Journal of Hazardous Materials entitled: 'Insight into the role of charge carrier mediation zone for singlet oxygen production over rod-shape graphitic carbon nitride: Batch and continuous-flow reactor'
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127652
October 2021: Publication in Journal of Hazardous Materials
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min and Ph.D. candidate Seok ByumJang published in Journal of Hazardous Materials entitled: 'In-situ growth of manganese oxide on self-assembled 3D- magnesium hydroxide coated on polyurethane: catalytic oxidation mechanism and application for Mn(II) removal'.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127267
August 2021: Publication in Journal of Hazardous Materials
Congratulation! Check out our recent publication in Chemical Engineering Journal entitled: 'Interfacial coupling perovskite CeFeO3 on layered graphitic carbon nitride as a multifunctional Z-scheme photocatalyst for boosting nitrogen fixation and organic pollutants demineralization'.
DOI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385894721029879?via%3Dihub
May 2021: Publication in Journal of Hazardous Materials
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min and Ph.D. candidate So YeonYoon published in Journal of Hazardous Materials, Sulfur-anchored palm shell waste-based activated carbon for ultrahigh sorption of Hg(II) for in-situ groundwater treatment.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125995
Feb 2021: Incoming PhD student
Welcome !!! Nurhaslina Binti Abdul Raman joined our research lab as a Ph.D. student.
November 2020: world's top 2% scientists
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min, who was named on the list of the world's top 2% scientists selected by Stanford University in the US and Elsevier, the world's largest publisher.
Reference: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/2
May 2020: Publication
Congratulations to Professor Jang Min and Ph.D. candidate Kien Tiek Wong published in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Understanding the potential band position and e–/h+ separation lifetime for Z-scheme and type-II heterojunction mechanisms for effective micropollutant mineralization: Comparative experimental and DFT studies.